Updates — gift hamper
Custom Corporate Hari Raya Gift for Masjid Kassim
client gifting corporate gifting full gifting service gift hamper

Inspiration behind this gift box Hari Raya is our favourite event to create a gift box because we personally celebrate this and we know deeply what our family loves. We'd get really excited about what we would like to gift to our own family. On my dining table during Raya, I'd have the most delicious freshly-baked cookies, my favourite crackers/rempeyek sealed in a bottle, a mandatory Asian flavoured nuts just for my mother to munch on, hot tea for older guests and flavoured milk and chocolate-coated dates for my children, niece and other kids that come over for Raya visiting. We...
Corporate Gifting - Urban Motors Pte. Ltd. and Tai Huat Hari Raya
client gifting corporate gifting gift hamper singapore gift delivery service

 Corporate gifting during festive events like Hari Raya is a common practice for many companies in Singapore. This year, we have a special one - a combined gift from two companies. Urban Motors and Tai Huat engaged our corporate gifting service which includes adding their corporate logo to our predesigned gift set. Let's take a look at how this gifting event turned out. Know who the gift is from in a flash with a striking personalised gift tag.  A taste of all things Hari Raya condensed in a box! The delicious mouth-watering kuihs, tasty and famous rempeyek crackers brand, award-winning tea and fast-selling dates...
Hari Raya Gift Box 2022 - Welcoming Raya with Excitement and Zest!
client gifting corporate gifting gift hamper

 We are so excited to announce our very first Limited Edition Raya Gift Box making its debut here on My Gift Maker. We’ve been through so much. At least for Singaporeans, the situation is finally taking a turn for the better - with borders opening up, being able to finally travel to Malaysia, maximum number of people gathering has increased, mask opening is allowed in open areas etc. Although safe distancing is still encouraged with safety and hygiene still a top priority, this is a huge step towards a more normal life since the onset of the pandemic in 2019. We’ve come a long way! So...
Full Gifting Service - Why This is For You and How Does it Work?
client gifting corporate gifting full gifting service gift hamper office gifts singapore gift delivery service

It’s officially here! We’ve been asked time and again by businesses and organisations and we have finally launched our Full Gifting Service! We understand that gifting is a very stressful event for you. Our mission is to help you have a pleasant gifting experience and stress-free gifting event from start to finish. We also recognise the importance of gifting to strengthen relationships with the people that are important to your business - your employees, clients and stakeholders. That’s why we are here to help you or your business curate personalised gift boxes that are purposeful, personal and well thought out for the intended recipient. By sharing our outline...